Republic of West Papua


To realise a political unity and legal sovereignty of West Papua State in which her peoples live in harmony with all communities of beings.

Scientifically, this vision means that Wet Papua nation-state would like to promote and uphold, reach and enjoy the following:

  1. All people understand, accept and obey the Custom Laws;
  2. All people abide to the Laws of the Nature, and Laws of the Customs; and
  3. All people become modern, which is, live in harmony among human societies, and with all communities of beings and with material being.

(This means the West Papua nation-state does not have an ideal or objective oriented to economic nor political ones. West Papua is not interested in just, wealth and prosperity, exclude all anthropocentric ideals of the modern nation-state, and embraces the holistic approach, holistic vision, holistic ideals that benefit not only human economic, social and political, but also balanced and harmonious living among all communities of beings.)

Mission AND Mandate of West Papua State

West Papua as a sovereign and independent nation-state has only one mandate, i.e., to guarantee the Isle of New Guinea to continue to be habitable to all communities of beings, i.e., for future generations, and for all nations all the years to come.

For this mandate, West Papua State has a mission to carry out nation-wide programmes to keep a balanced life among all communities of beings, which implies not only carrying out programmes for human political, economic, security and peace.

Proposal for name of the State:

The name: Republic of West Papua, or in short West Papua.

In all languages, English, Indonesian, French,  in Lani, or Mee languages, the name “West Papua” is always used without translation as “West Papua”.  Example: The names of Vanuatu and Fiji are not translated into different names in different languages.

Proposal on the Form of the Government:

Confederal Republic, whereby Seven Customary Region/ State form a confederation and form a National Administration of West Papua Government that carries out various administrative functions at the national level, on behalf of the Seven States (Customary State).

Those Seven Customary Regions that form a National Condeferation are called the States. (They are not called Regional nor Provincial, but just State).

Each State is headed bya Head of Sate or Head of Tribal Territory/ Customary Region.

National Government and the State

The National Government of the Republic of West Papua exists because it is formed by the Seven States or the Heads of the Seven State who live in western half of the Isle of New Guinea.

(This is different from other nation-states, where national governments normally forms regional and local governments at lower than national levels. Instead, West Papua National Government is formed by the Seven States, and the formation is called “confederation” and this confederation is then called “National Government”, not National State..)

The basic philosophical value behind the Seven States forming National Government did exist in reality among tribal peoples of West Papua. The Confederation form of governance is the common practice among Papuan social organizational structure. The concept of “big-men” and “small-kings” are still alive and operational to date. These small-kings and big-men who live in their own Customary Boundaries than entrust other elders to work at the national level, representing their needs and wants.

There will be a “Declaration of the Formation of West Papua National Government” issued by the small-kings and big-men, who will first have their allies and smaller confederation in their own Seven States. This “Declaration” in legal perspective can be regarded as “Treaty” among the Seven States regarding the Formation of Confederation or Wet Papua Nation-state.

Proposal of the System of Governance and General Election:

The proposed System of Governance is West Papua State is “Tribal Democracy”.

Mainly, Tribal Democracy is

(1) a democracy within the existing tribes,

(2) democracy within the limits of customary territories and custom laws; and

(3) democracy that is based on the kinship and tribal relations, that is to say, democracy that is operated based on the social building called “tribe”.

(4) Tribal Democracy is a non-political party democracy, democracy that is based on social-building, not political ideology and building.

Democratic processes within the tribes or among each other always apply the principle of “representation” with emphasis on “one-man- one-vote” principle, and “collective-collegial” management model, in democratic processes.

(5) Democracy within tribes means the processes of democracy literally happens within each tribal / custom areas. For example Moi Tribe, Mee Tribe, Ayamaru Tribe and Kamoro Tribe run their own representative democracy within their own tribe. Concrete Example: There will be no men or women from the Laa-Pago Custom Area put forward candidate for any political positions within Saireri Society/ State. Each candidate is put forwards within their own tribal area, and will be elected by their own tribesmen and tribeswomen.

(6) Leaders within each tribe is elected based on proportional representation principle. Whereas leaders at the national level is proportionally represented by the Seven States and their elected elders.

(7) Each tribe who exist within their Customary Region send their representatives to the national government, but they are elected proportionally based on the Seven States.


General Characteristics of the Confederal Republic of West Papua

  • Tribal Democracy is the system of governance where full liberal democracy operates within the limits of the tribal areas, customary lands and boundaries of tribes; whereas the principles of social-democracy emphasizes equal distribution and representation among the Seven States;
  • There will be turns for National Leaderships based on the seven States. Candidates for National Leadership should be proposed “in turns” among the Seven States. This way, all Seven Customary Regions will have their turn to put forward their candidates for national leadership and therefore will have their turn to become the national leaders;
  • The turn to run campaigns for the National Leadership un General Election is applied equally and in turn among the Seven States, which gives equal opportunity to the Seven Customary Regions to hold positions at the National Government Offices.
  • For example, it is agreed that in 2000 General Election Meeting of the Papua National Parliament gives the opportunity for Laa-Pago Customary Region to propose candidates for Presidents and Ministers, then ONLY candidates from Laa-Pago State will compete for national leadership in 2000 General Election Campaign. Another example, if the General Election 2006 is the turn for Saireri Customary Region, then ONLY candidates from Saireri State will put forwards their candidates and will have their turn to be elected for National Government Posts.
  • Therefore, Each of the Seven (7) State will have their turn to hold leadership at the national level, and after 7 x 5 (25 years), then the second turn for each of the 7 States will have their changes over, again..

Proposal for the Head of the State:

  • The Head of the Government is the President
  • The Heads of the Seven States are called the Deputy Heads of States or Vice Presidents.
  • The Vice Presidents hold coordinating ministerial roles according to their capabilities and areas of interests based on the State they represent.
  • These Vice Presidents can also fill the posts of Coordinating Ministers, or State-Secretaries.

Wet Papua State Pillars

  1. There is a clear and straight separation among:
    • State structure from the Customary Region from the national government structure. The National Government is focused more on Governmental businesses and the Seven Heads of States deals with States’ businesses within the Seven Customary Areas of West Papua Nation-state;
    • There is a separation of power among Legislative, Executive and Judicative. Whereas within the national to national level, there is a layering of power..
    • Separation of power is as proposed by Montesqieu (legislative, executive and judicative); whereas layering of power is proposed by West Papua State intellectuals based on Melanesian philosophy and wisdom. It means there are layers of tasks and responsibilities, areas (narrower and wider) among the leaders, elders and representatives, accompanied by roles, functions, authorities and responsibilities based on their areas of work.
    • layering of power means there are layers in the tasks and responsibilities, from smaller and narrower areas to bigger and wider areas.
  2. The executives are headed by the President that administratively called the President of the Confederal Republic;
  3. The President has the deputies that help the president as Coordinating Mimisters and State Ministers.
  4. Central Legislative is headed by the Chair of NPWP (National Parliament of West Papua)( and Legislative of the State is headed by Chair of the Parliament where:
    • All Members of Legistlative are representatives of the Seven States, that can be elected directly by the people, after being approved and appointed by the Heads of States. That means Natioal legislators are Nominated by the Sates to the National Parliament.
    • Members of the Legislative of the States/ Customary Regions are the direct representatives of the peoples within the State, elected proportionally, from the 240 tribes who live in the western half of New Guinea Island.This means, that each tribe must have at least one (1) representative at the State Parliament. The maximum representative of each tribe is arranged proportionally within Each State.;
    • Naional Parliament of Wet Papua and State Parliements recognizes four (4) Chairs of non-human Representatives,  and each of the four has a veto right, i.e., (1)spiritual being; (2) flora; (3) fauna; and (4) material being;
    • The Veto Right and right to choose given to non-human Members of Parliament, and therefore, all policies that can potentially  threatens and/ or violates the rights of existence of these beings will be vetoed by human beings who sit on Parliamentarian Seats on their behalf;
  5. Judiciary is headed by Supreme Court at the National Level and there will be High Court at State Levels.
  6. Legal Proceeding in West Papua starts from Customary Legal Proceedings at Clan and Tribal Levels, and State Legal Proceeding;
  7. Based on the Principles of the “layering of power”, the Customary Laws has the ultimate legal standing, as it is the “nerve”, “energy”, “core” of the legal system of the country.
    • West Papua recognizes and uphold the law of the nature, customary law and the law of the nation-state.
    • West Papua Law is based on the wisdom and characteristics of each tribe and state.
    • The decision made by the Customary Law is final and binding.
    • Decision of the State Judiciary and National Judiciary can be cancelled by the Customary Judicial Decision.
    • However, the Legal Consideration includes the Law of the Nature, Religious Laws, National state Law and Customary Laws.
    • Supreme Court has no legal power to make final decision, but if only functions as coordinator of overall legal system and give legal considerations to each legal businesses within the nation-state.

Infra-Structure of the State: Militeary, Police and Political Party

  1. National Army of West Papua (WPNA) is under command of a Commander in Chief of the Army, and the highest Command is in the hand of the President of the Confederation;
    • Military carrier within the nation-state, military commander and new recruits of the military personnel organized at the national level;
    • Each person at age 18 years is obliged to attend military training exercises.
  2. State Police of West Papua (SPWP) is headed by Head of State Police for each State.
    • Therefore, West Papua nation-state does not have a National Police Command structure.
    • The carier and new rectuits of police personnel is fully organized within each State, and the law and order also organized organically within each.
    • The Head of State Police is appointed by the Heads of the States.
    • The States tasks and responsibilities are fully organized by the Heads of the Sates and the Security functions at the National level is organized under the command of the Heads of the States. For example, if the President of West Papua (President of the Confederal Republic) is from Saireri State, then the Saireri Police Chief is responsible for the Security of the Presidential Palace at the National Level. When the President is from the Domberari State, then the Security of the Presidential Palace is fully under the command of Domberai State Police Chief.
  3. West Papua Sate does not recognize and does not have any “political parties”.  There are no political ideologies involved in West Papua politics.

Name of the Nation:


Name of the Territory:

Western New Guinea or West Papua New Guinea

Name of the Land:


Proposla for Currency:

Gulden Nieuw Guinea atau Dolar Papua (P$) or Papua Vatu (considered based on the support given by any independent states during the struggle for West Papua Independence)

Proposed Transitional Language:


State Language

Malay Tok Pisin & English

Proosal of GovernmentalStructure:

  1. The highest power rests on the “Sumiit of the Heads of the States”;
  2. Government businesses is under the control of the President of the Confederal Republic;
  3. National Mandate and Tasks are put forwards by the heads of States to run governmental functions at the national level,
  4. State functions are fully under the hands of the Heads of States, who are the Vice Presidents at the national confederation level;
  5. The Vice Presidents of the Confederation carry out tasks and responsibilities in support of the tasks and responsibilities of the President;
  6. The President can appoint ambassadors and ministers to assist in the tasks and responsibilities in the country.

Main Characteristics of the Confederal Republic of West Papua:

  1. It is called “republic” because the national leader on top of the governance is a President, that is elected directly by the people and assisted by the Heads of States.
  2. It is called “Confederal” because West Papua nation-state has Seven States based on Seven Customary Regions, who at the national level form “a national confederation” as a Natoinal Government of West Papua,
  3. Leaders of the Seven Customary Regions carry out their roles, tasks and responsibilities within the limits of their own Region, and at the national level cooperate with among the States to form a unity and national politics and Government of West Papua.
  4. It is called “West Papua”, because constitutionally, in the State Emblem and in the constitution, the name of the State is printed and called “West Papua”. That means in all languages, the name “West Papua” cannot be translated. For example, Vanuat and Fiji are always spelled “Vanuatu” and “Fiji” ini all languages. Likewise, “West Papua” is spelled “West Papua” ini all languages of the world.
  5. West Papua as an independent State and sovereign country does not recognize and does not have any political party;
  6. West Papua nation-state does not recognize the bottom-up or top-down governmental structure, but it acknowledges and advocates inward-outward and smaller-wider roles, functions and responsibilities:
    • what we emphasize in West Papua as a nation-state is layers (area, coverage) of roles, functions and responsibilities of each posts at every office, from individuals, family, clan, tribe, state, and nation-state.
    • Intisari kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara West Papua berada di dalam ikatan marga yang membentuk suku, dan setiap suku berkoalisi dan berkonfederasi menyelenggarakan kehidupan bersama dalam mencapai tujuan bersama.
    • The Concept of Governance and Statehood of West Papua is “earthly”, “circular” and from small dots to bigger and biggest dots, from inside to outside, from narrow to wider areas of resonsibilities.
    • The idea of narrow-wide, inside-ouside, smaller and bigger is determined by the roles and responsibilities entitled. Therefore, the concept of lowest and highest is not accepted and even refused in this perspective. There is no level of power nor authority.
  7. Fnctions and Roles of departmens of the States of West Papua will function totally exactly like the one we know within the organization of the United Nations, the European Union and the Swiss Cantons:
    • Each State has very clear sovereignty, power and responsibility,
    • However, each State also has roles, functions and responsibilities that should be shared and obeyed by all,
    • The National Government issues various Resolutions and Declarations, either ratification of the United Nations Declarations or Pacific Islands Forum or Melanesia Spearhead Group and also based on proposal from the National Government which will then further adopted by Each State within the Republic of West Papua;
  8. West Papua is an Organic nation-state, and therefore, in her journey as a sovereign and independent nation-state, the seven blue and white stripes on the Morning Star Flat can change according to the Change of the number of States (Customary Regions) represented within the nation-state.



  1. is formerly the official website of the West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA), and right now, since 1 July 2016, it belongs to the Republic of West Papua national government in-waiting as a media for information deliberation on West Papua as a nation-state;
  2. Finally the West Papua National Parliament in its Meeting will decide what form of government and what system of governance is adopted and accepted by West Papua as a modern nation-state;
  3. This note is just as one of the proposals for consideration;
  4. Before that, it is important to note, that the name of the State is “West Papua”, with no translation become “Papua Barat”, for example.
  5. Other issues will be put forwards before the NPWP.
  6. Confederatoi is a form of union of independent states based upon agreement or agreed constitution regarding various common policies . “A confederation (also known as a confederacy or league) is a union of sovereign states, united for purposes of common action often in relation to other states.[1] Usually created by treaty, confederations of states tend to be established for dealing with critical issues, such as defence, foreign relations, internal trade or currency, with the general government being required to provide support for all its members.” [] West Papua Confederation is therefore, formed based on agreement of the Seven Tribal Elders (Heads of States), united for purposesof common action in relation to other states.

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