LoopPNG – Freddy Mou, October 6, 2016 – Bational Capital District Governor Powes Parkop has called on the Government to seriously look into the plight of West Papua.
In a statement, Parkop said Papua New Guinea should be adopting a more moral and humanistic policy on West Papua instead of sticking to the immoral position of continuing to recognize Indonesia Sovereignty over the territory without question or conditions.
Parkop said he will be making submission to this effective to the NEC and will impress on NEC to change our policy.
“Otherwise I will be pushing for such changes in the next Government after 2017 General Election.
“I will be proposing that PNG adopt a position where while we acknowledge Indonesia control over the territory of West Papua, we must question the legality of the integration and call on Indonesia to correct this historical error so as to bring lasting peace and harmony to our region.
“We all know that so called Act of Free Choice in 1969 did not comply with the law as it exist in 1969 or since.
“We all know Indonesia invaded West Papua in 1962 and had military, political and administrative control of the territory in 1969 when the Vote on Integration was taken.
“We all know Indonesia only allowed 1000 people out of 1.2 million Papuans to vote in 1969. We all know that these 1000 people were selected and subject to undue pressure by the Indonesia.
“Indonesia is obliged to correct this historical mistake that continues to retard the progress of the Papua People and hinder their freedom.”
Parkop added that although the Government has made progress in addressing the Papuan issue on a bilateral and multilateral basis but our policy has not changed.
“Our policy to just recognize Indonesia Sovereignty over West Papua without reservation is immoral, outdate and inhuman.
“It is also against our conscience. It is also against the stand or position of all Pacific Countries including Polynesians and Micronesians.”
Indonesia invaded Timor Leste in 1975 and eventually allowed them to decide their future by a referendum 2000.
“We all applaud them for correcting that historical mistake. They should do the same with West Papua. Indonesia will be doing a service to humanity and to itself by making this honorable decision rather than to lie.
Parkop further added that as friends of Indonesia, we should not be afraid to speak our mind about the nature of our friendship including pointing out any impediment to a robust friendship.
He said the future between PNG and Indonesia will be more robust and enhance if Indonesia relents and agree to allow Papuans to morally and legally decide their future by a properly supervised referendum under the United Nations.
“This is the policy PNG Government should adopt as it is moral, humanistic, legal and honest policy.”