EMTV – 22/07/2016 Scott Waide 1586
The PNC led coalition of Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, has defeated a long awaited Vote of No Confidence motion, with 85 out of 106 members voting in favour of the government while 21 members of the opposition voted for the removal of the Prime Minister.
In a highly anticipated session peppered with personal accusations, colourful language and sarcasm delivered by both sides, the debate prior to the vote degenerated into a cacophony of yelling and more accusations.
Vanimo-Green MP, Belden Namah, expressed annoyance at the speaker saying adequate debate had not been allowed.
The disorder in the house forced the speaker to rise from his chair, as per parliamentary standing order 49, to call for order.
Earlier, the debate was opened by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Sam Basil. In a series of pointed statements he attacked the Prime Minister over his handling of the economy, LNG revenue and the allegations levelled against him.
“LNG revenues aren’t reaching our shores. Businesses owed money by government aren’t being paid,” he said.
In response to the opposition debate, Finance Minister, James Marape, told the house that ongoing attempts for the Vote of No Confidence had affected Papua New Guinea’s international image.
“Investor confidence has been impacted by headlines on the media and social media,” Marape said.
Marape’s statements come on the back of a statement by the Prime Minister yesterday, calling for stability in government.
Government numbers now remain solid with less than 10 months to go until national elections.